Tournament Prowess + Club News

September 24, 2018

trophy cupThe Charleston Scrabble club was well represented at the 2018 National Scrabble Championships, which were held in August in Buffalo, NY. The club regulars or semi-regulars who attended were John Fultz, Troy Thompson, and Angela Vietto. They all performed very admirably with each one exceeding their seeding and finishing “in the green”. John finished in 4th place in Division 2 (seeded 15th) with a record of 20-10-1 and won $550! Troy (seeded 26th) placed 11th in the same division with a record of 19-12 and won $200! Angela placed 20th in Division 3 (seeded 27th) with a record of 17-14 and won $100! Congrats and kudos!!!

Closer to home and later in August several Charleston clubmates distinguished themselves at a weekend Scrabble event in Indianapolis. In an Early Bird tourney on Friday night Marty Gabriel won the CSW division and Lisa Lovelace won Div. 6 of TWL. Della Lutz bravely played in her first CSW  tourney on Friday night, but she opted to play TWL in the Main Event tourney on Saturday. It appears that playing CSW didn’t harm Della and may have actually proved beneficial, as she proceeded to win Div. 4 of TWL by defeating Lisa in the eighth and final game of that tourney! Lisa was undefeated in the tourney prior to that game; she finished in 2nd place.

Marty also clinched first place in the 2018 Midwest Literacy Championship circuit with his performance in Indianapolis! Although there is one round remaining in the event this year, Marty has accrued 28 wins so far for an insurmountable lead. Troy, Della, and Lisa all helped themselves stay in contention for a 2nd or 3rd place prize. Troy is currently tied for 3rd place with a total of 19 wins. Della is in 5th place currently with a total of 18 wins. Lisa is 10th place with sixteen MLC circuit wins. The final MLC event for 2018 will be on November 3 in Chicago; see  Upcoming Tournaments.

Noteworthy bingos played in club sessions so far this year include FRAMERS by Jacqui Worden; UNSWEPT by Dagni Bredesen; ALCHEMY by Cheri Grizzard; FAIRING (a complimentary gift given at a fair), EMAILING, and STOKERS by Tootsie Hamburg; TENNERS (ten pound notes or ten dollar bills) and FLEERING (deriding) by Wendy Edwards; FIACRES (small carriages) and TUSHIES by Della Lutz; GADDERS, NEONATES, SNARFED, MALTEDS, and UNPARTED by Angela; REESTING (balking) by Ranji Adukia; OUTMODE and WOMANISH by Barbara Dixon, ANDANTES, MASONRY, and MILTERS (male fishes at breeding time) by Troy; and NASCENT, UPDIVES, and OEUVRES (works of art) by Mary Maddox.

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